Pink Alumina Oxide

Pink Alumina Oxide

Pink Alumina Oxide is fused from high-purity alumina powder, chromium and other materials in an electric arc furnace at very high temperatures. The inclusion of chromium gives Pink Alumina Oxide not only its characteristic pink or ruby colour, but also even greater hardness and toughness than White Alumina Oxide. Pink Alumina Oxide has sharp edges and extraordinary durability, and is available in sizes ranging from large grains to micro-powders. According to the content of Cr2O3, Pink Alumina Oxide have three kinds: Low Chromium, Medium Chromium, High Chromium.

Pink alumina oxide is made of alumina as the main raw material, suitable for alumina oxide, etc., and is smelted at high temperature. Color is fuchsia. The hardness is slightly higher than that of brown alumina oxide, similar to that of white alumina oxide, and the microhardness can reach 2200-2300Kg/mm2. The toughness is higher than that of white alumina oxide and slightly lower than that of brown alumina oxide. The abrasive tools made with it are suitable for grinding high carbon steel, high speed steel and its thin-walled parts.

Standard sizes: 

F12 to F220; #240 to #6000