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The sandblasting industry is an industrial field that uses sandblasting equipment to treat the surface of various materials. Sandblasting equipment through the compressed air as the driving force, the formation of high-speed jet beam, the spray material (such as brown corundum, white corundum, garnet, glass beads, steel grit & shot, quartz sand, emery, iron sand, sea sand, walnut shells, baking soda, etc.) sprayed to the surface of the workpiece, which can remove impurities on the surface of the workpiece, to remove impurity, deburred, de-oxidized, to play a role in cleaning, and at the same time increase the roughness of the surface, improve adhesion, improve surface hardness of the substrate to provide a better adhesion basis for subsequent coating or other treatment processes. At the same time, it can increase the surface roughness, improve the adhesion, improve the surface hardness of the substrate, and provide a better adhesion basis for the subsequent coating or other treatment processes. This process plays an important role in enhancing the fatigue resistance of the workpiece, improving the mechanical properties of the surface as well as preparing it for subsequent coating or other surface treatment processes.


Sandblasting is widely used in metalworking, automotive manufacturing, shipbuilding, aerospace, electronics and electrical appliances, medical devices, glass and ceramic products and other industries.


There are a wide variety of sandblasting abrasives, including but not limited to the following:


1. Brown and White corundum: aluminum oxide, high hardness, hardness second to diamond, to Mohs hardness 8-9, commonly used in recycling recycling sandblasting machine use abrasives.

2. Glass beads: Silicon dioxide type, high purity, spherical surface, used for stainless steel, aluminum, gears and other surfaces of the matte and passivation treatment. Moderate hardness, up to Mohs hardness 6, non-polluting, suitable for fine materials, but may not be applicable to the need for rougher surface treatment of the occasion

3. Garnet (also known as natural emery): hardness of 7.5-8 Mohs, with sharp edges, suitable for metal polishing, ceramic glass polishing and so on.

4. Silicon Carbide (SiC): a man-made abrasive, very high hardness, commonly used in strong cutting and glass etching. But the use of high cost.

5. Steel grit : sintered angular sand, hardness 45-60 (Rockwell hardness), toughness, suitable for large structural parts of the sandblasting process. Moderate hardness, good impact resistance, suitable for large structural parts, but may cause damage to soft materials

6. Quartz sand: hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, is a hard, wear-resistant silicate mineral, widely used in abrasive materials, sand cleaning, rust removal, etc.. Lower cost, but dry sandblasting is harmful to people, it is recommended to use it sparingly


When choosing sandblasting abrasives, the following factors should be considered:

-Workpiece material: different abrasives are suitable for workpieces of different hardness.

-Surface treatment requirements: choose the right abrasives with the right grain size and hardness according to the surface roughness or cleanliness to be achieved.

Cost-effectiveness: Consider the price and recyclability of the abrasive.

-Environmental protection and health: Select abrasives that have a low impact on the operator''s health and are friendly to the environment.

Selection of sandblasting abrasives should be based on the specific process requirements, workpiece materials, expected surface effect and cost and other factors for comprehensive consideration, in order to achieve the best sandblasting effect.