Tabular Alumina

Tabular Alumina  

Tabular Alumina is produced by sintering ball-formed calcined alumina at a temperature just under the 2040°C fusion point of aluminum oxide. This recrystallizes the normally flat crystals into hexagonal, elongated tablet-shaped crystals up to 400 microns in size. It is possible to convert nearly 100% of the crystals and achieve extremely high chemical purity while maintaining the same hardness and density. It provides high temperature resistance, thermal and chemical stability, abrasion resistance, high mechanical strength and excellent shock resistance. 

Becens could supply very high quality low Na2O content Tabular Alumina. 

Tabular alumina can be used as the main component in aluminum-carbon, aluminum-magnesium-carbon, magnesium-aluminum-carbon, magnesium spinel, and aluminum-chromium refractory bricks, and can also be introduced into high-alumina refractory bricks as enriched alumina components. Among the shaped refractories, it can be widely used in steel, casting, ceramics and other industries, and the application in the steel industry almost covers the whole process of iron and steel making.


Tabular corundum is a kind of pure alumina completely sintered, without any additives such as MgO, B2O3, high refractoriness; high corrosion resistance; high erosion resistance; high thermal shock stability; strength, high toughness and good chemical properties performance.


Plate-like crystal structure, small pores, more closed pores, porosity roughly equivalent to fused alumina, high purity, good volume stability, and small reburning shrinkage. It has good thermal shock stability and flexural strength, but the price is higher than other aluminas.

Standard sizes: 

0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm, 200mesh, 325mesh